Our vision is to be a local church centered on its current location in Closter, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all the neighbors around the church and serving as a spiritual beacon in the area.
We are a community of people from a variety of backgrounds who desire to explore what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to actively love our community. Our church includes people who have been following Jesus for many years, some who are new to the journey, and some who are exploring Christianity for the first time.
We believe the Bible is God-inspired, and is to be the authoritative rule of life and practice for all Christians. We believe the Scriptures can be fulfilled and must not be broken. We believe that the Old Testament was the type and shadow of better things to come, and that the New Testament is the perfect expression of God’s will and Character as expressed through Jesus Christ. The Epistles are the expression of what Christ has done for us and desires to do through us. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 1:1-3; John 10:35; Matt. 5:19, 19:17; 1 John 2:3-4)
Every week we gather for meaningful worship and biblical teaching that can be applied to everyday life. In each service, we have live music followed by a relevant, straightforward message. Come early to enjoy a cup of coffee before finding a seat, and stay late to spend time connecting with friends.